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Selected Publications 

Scientific Books & Book Chapters

Authored Books

Authored Books 

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Heilbrunn, S. (2023). Dark Sides of the Startup Nation: Winners and Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel. Routledge.

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Heilbrunn, S., Gretzky, M., & Tsur, Z. (2021). Kaleidoscop of the Others. Kinneret. [Hebrew].

Book cover: Heimat? - Vielleicht

Haviv, A., & Heilbrunn, S. (Eds.). (2013). Heimat Vielleicht? Töchter und Söhne von Holocaustüberlebenden in Israel und Deutschland: Identität, migration und integration. Bonn, Germany: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. [German].

Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books

Heilbrunn, S. Challenges of refugee entrepreneurs in South Tel Aviv. Chapter in Vershinina, N., Rodgers, P., Xheneti, M., & Browowozski, J. Global Migration and Entrepreneurship and Society. Emerald (ahead of print)


Heilbrunn, S. (2021). Topography of marginalities: Asylum seeking women entrepreneurs in Israel. Chapter in M. McAdam & J. Cunningham (Eds.), Women and global entrepreneurship: Contextualising everyday experiences. Routledge. (ahaed of print)


Palgi, M., Sofer, M. & Heilbrunn, S. (2020).  From work to income – employment and entrepreneurship. In: E. Ben Raphael & O. Shemer (Eds.), The Metamorphosis of the kibbutz and after (Chapter 5). Brill Publishers.


Heilbrunn, S., & Iannone, R.L. (2018). Introduction. In S. Heilbrunn, J. Freiling, & A. Harima (Eds.), Refugee entrepreneurship: A Case based topography. Basingstoke United Kingdom, Palgrave MacMillan.


Heilbrunn, S. (2018). Why do migrant women entrepreneurs enter the informal economy? Evidence from Israel. In V. Ramadani, L.P. Dana, V. Ratten & A. Bexheti (Eds.), Informal ethnic economy (pp. 211-223). Springer.


Heilbrunn, S., & Rosenfeld, A. (2018). The story of Jonny, an Eritrean entrepreneur in Tel Aviv. In: S. Heilbrunn, J. Freiling & A. Harima (Eds.), Refugee entrepreneurship: A Case based topography (Chapter 7). Basingstoke United Kingdom, Palgrave MacMillan. 


Heilbrunn, S., & Diego Rodriguez, I. (2016). Wrong-headed assumptions, unintended outcomes: The case of a migrant business support scheme in Israel. In M. Elo & L. Riddle (Eds.), Diaspora business (Chapter 4.2, pp. 151-164). Oxfordshire, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.


Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
Edited Special Journal Issues 
Articles in Refereed Journals  

Articles in Refereed Journals (2012-) 

Heilbrunn, S., & Tzur, Z. (2021). Shared leadership and entrepreneurship in exceptional times in community contexts. Zeitschrift Wirtschaftspsychologie. 3-21, 23.Jahrgang, pp. 79-89. 


Maalaoui, A., Ratten, V., Heilbrunn, S., Brannback, M. & Kraus, S. (2020). Disadvantage and entrepreneurship: Decoding a new are of research. European Management Review, 17(3)  


Heilbrunn, S., & Iannone, R.L. (2020). From center to periphery and back again: A systematic literature review on refugee entrepreneurship. Sustainability


Itzkovitch, Y., Heilbrunn, S., & Alecsik, A. (2020). Full range indeed? The forgotten dark side of leadership. Journal of Management Development. 


Heilbrunn, S., & Iannone, R.L. (2019). Neoliberalist undercurrents in entrepreneurship policy? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 5(2), 149-162.


Heilbrunn, S. (2019). Against all odds: Refugees "bricoleuring" in the void. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behavior & Research, 25(5), 1045-1064.


Itzkovich, Y., Dolev, N., & Heilbrunn, S. (2018). Taking advantage of organizational power. Theory, reality and coping strategies. Law and Business, 21, 365-391. [Hebrew]


Heilbrunn, S., & Itzkovich, Y. (2018). The impact of incivility and horizontal solidarity on job insecurity. The Study of the Organization and Human Resource Quarterly, 2(2), 28-39. [Hebrew]


Heilbrunn, S., Rabin, N., & Rozenes, S. (2017). Detecting mutual configurations of applied planning strategies and performances in small and medium sized businesses with kernel-based machine learning method. Applied Soft Computing, 61, 1211-1225.


Heilbrunn, S., Itzkovitch., Y., & Weinberg, C. (2017). Perceived feasibility and desirability of entrepreneurship in institutional contexts in transition. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 7(4), pp 1-10.


Kushnirovich, N., Heilbrunn, S., & Davidovitch, L. (2017). Diversity of entrepreneurial perceptions: Immigrants vs. native population. European Management Review, 15(3), 341-355.


Hochman, O., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). ‘I am not a German Jew. I am a Jew with a German passport’: German-Jewish identification among Jewish Germans and Jewish German Israelis. Identities, 25(1), 104-123.


Itzkovitch, Y., & Heilbrunn, S. (2015). The role of co-worker’s solidarity as an antecedent of incivility and deviant behavior in organizations. Deviant Behavior, 37(8), 861-876.


Nasra, M. A., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the Arab educational system in Israel: The impact of trust and job satisfaction. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(3), 380-396.


Other Scientific Publications

Heilbrunn, S., Alsos, G.A., Arntzen-Nordqvist, M., Balkmar, D., Callerstig, A.C., Delaney, D., Gulli Lindvert, M., Ljunggren, E. C., McAdam, M., Mellström, U., & Weinberg, C. (2020). Cross-cultural variations in technological ecosystems, a gender perspective. Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel 


Heilbrunn, S. (2020). Fighting for dignity: Migrants lives at Israel’s margins. A book review. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(13), 2467-2469


Itzkovich, Y., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). Incivility: antecedents, consequences and remedies. A national survey. Israeli Ministry of Economics.

Other Scientific Publications
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