Prof. Sibylle Heilbrunn
Selected Publications
Scientific Books & Book Chapters
Authored Books

Heilbrunn, S. (2023). Dark Sides of the Startup Nation: Winners and Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel. Routledge.

Heilbrunn, S., Gretzky, M., & Tsur, Z. (2021). Kaleidoscop of the Others. Kinneret. [Hebrew].

Haviv, A., & Heilbrunn, S. (Eds.). (2013). Heimat Vielleicht? Töchter und Söhne von Holocaustüberlebenden in Israel und Deutschland: Identität, migration und integration. Bonn, Germany: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. [German].
Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
Heilbrunn, S. Challenges of refugee entrepreneurs in South Tel Aviv. Chapter in Vershinina, N., Rodgers, P., Xheneti, M., & Browowozski, J. Global Migration and Entrepreneurship and Society. Emerald (ahead of print)
Heilbrunn, S. (2021). Topography of marginalities: Asylum seeking women entrepreneurs in Israel. Chapter in M. McAdam & J. Cunningham (Eds.), Women and global entrepreneurship: Contextualising everyday experiences. Routledge. (ahaed of print)
Palgi, M., Sofer, M. & Heilbrunn, S. (2020). From work to income – employment and entrepreneurship. In: E. Ben Raphael & O. Shemer (Eds.), The Metamorphosis of the kibbutz and after (Chapter 5). Brill Publishers.
Edited Special Journal Issues
Zirkler, M., & Heilbrunn, S. (Eds.), (to be published in 2021). Leadership. Zeitschrift Wirschaftspsychologie.
Articles in Refereed Journals (2012-)
Heilbrunn, S., & Tzur, Z. (2021). Shared leadership and entrepreneurship in exceptional times in community contexts. Zeitschrift Wirtschaftspsychologie. 3-21, 23.Jahrgang, pp. 79-89.
Other Scientific Publications
Heilbrunn, S., Alsos, G.A., Arntzen-Nordqvist, M., Balkmar, D., Callerstig, A.C., Delaney, D., Gulli Lindvert, M., Ljunggren, E. C., McAdam, M., Mellström, U., & Weinberg, C. (2020). Cross-cultural variations in technological ecosystems, a gender perspective. Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel